3. Pregled Mixxx vmesnika

Dobrodošli v vmesniku programa Mixxx. Tu se dogaja čarovnija. Ker je to glavni način za uspešno rabo programa, ga boste želeli karseda dobro spoznati. V tem poglavju je predstavljen privzeti vmesnik Mixxx, opisani so njegovi elementi, regulatorji in drsniki.

The Mixxx interface - Deere skin

The Mixxx interface - Deere skin

This is the Deere skin. It is the default skin supplied with Mixxx 2.2. There are a variety of other skins included with Mixxx. You should explore them all to figure out which one you prefer. This section will focus on Deere only.

3.1. Section Skin Settings

The section expansion buttons

The GUI section quick toggles buttons in the top tool bar

If you click on either EFFECTS, SAMPLERS or MICS & AUX then you will enable control sections for interacting with:

You can also use the specific Bližnjice za aplikacije.

The section expansion buttons

The Skin Settings menu on the right

On top, and on the right side of the user interface are the section expansion buttons and options.

3.2. Razdelki s predvajalnikom

A deck

Predvajalnik z naloženo skladbo

Razdelek s predvajalnikom omogoča kontrolo vsega, kar je povezano z virtualnim gramofonskim :term:`predvajalnik`om. Opise funkciji in dela z njimi bomo razdelili v sekcije.

3.2.1. Prikaz informaciji o skladbi

Razdelek z informacijami o skladbi v predvajalniku

Razdelek z informacijami o skladbi v predvajalniku

Naslov skladbe

The title of the track that was loaded into a deck is displayed on top. This is the same as the title listed under the Title column heading in the Mixxx library. This information is initially loaded from the track’s metadata. If the metadata is missing, the title and artist are guessed from the filename.

Izvajalec skladbe

The artist of the track is listed below. It is the same as listed under the Artist column heading in the Mixxx library.

Time Elapsed/Remaining/Both

By default it displays the total elapsed time in the track up to the millisecond. Clicking on the display switches to the Time Remaining view, which indicates how much time is left before the track reaches the end. Clicking the display again, both the elapsed and remaining time are shown simultaneously in the format elapsed time / remaining time. You can change the default in Preferences ‣ Decks ‣ Deck options.

BPM (Tempo)

Število na desni zgoraj je efektvno število udarcev na minuto v BPM skladbe. To je prepoznani BPM sklabe, prilagojen na želeno hitrost predvajalanja skladbe. Če ima skladba denimo 100 BPM in jo predvajamo s +5% je efektivni BPM, ki bo prikazan, 105 BPM.


You can use a keyboard shortcut and tap with the beat to set the BPM to the speed you are tapping, go to Uporaba tipkovnice for more information.

The options displayed when you click on the Key

The Key options.

The key displays the current musical key of the loaded track after pitch shifting. The key is displayed below the BPM (Tempo). This is the same as the key that is shown under the Key column heading in the Mixxx library. Clicking the key will expand it to reveal more options:

  • Pitch Control: This changes the track pitch independent of the tempo. Left-clicking the - button decreases the pitch by one semitone. Right-clicking it decreases the pitch by 10 cents. Left-clicking the + button increases the pitch by one semitone. Right-clicking it increases the pitch by 10 cents.

  • Sync and Reset Key: Left-clicking the MATCH button sets the key to a pitch that allows harmonic transition from the other track. It requires a detected key on both involved decks. Right-clicking it resets the key to the original track key.

Cover Art

The cover art of the track loaded into the deck is displayed on the left side of the track. This is the same as the cover art that is shown under the Cover Art column heading in the Mixxx library. In Deere skin you can choose to enable or disable the cover art by clicking the gear icon in the upper right corner, then toggling the Decks ‣ Cover Art option. Clicking on the cover art will expand it into a full blown image. The cover art is also shown in the Vinyl Widget next to the parallel waveforms.

3.2.2. Prikaz valovne oblike

Razdelek s prikazom valovne oblike v predvajalniku, omogoča vizualizacijo sprememb zvoka, ki se dodaja skozi skladbo. V bistvu omogoča, da lahko svojo glasbo tako rekoč “vidite”.

By default the waveform displays are aligned parallel to each other in order to make beatmatching easier, as it is possible to beatmatch visually by aligning the beats that appear in each waveform.

Mixxx default skin (Deere) - Parallel waveforms

Mixxx default skin (Deere) - Parallel waveforms

Depending on the skin, Mixxx displays either parallel waveforms (default) or separate waveforms. LateNight and Tango skins only have resizable parallel waveforms while Shade skin provides only separate waveforms. In Deere skin you can select your preferred appearance by clicking the gear icon in the upper right corner, then toggling the Skin Settings ‣ Parallel Waveforms option.

Mixxx alternative skin (Latenight) - parallel waveforms

Mixxx default skin (Deere) - Separate waveforms


If you have a slower computer and notice performance issues with Mixxx, try lowering the frame rate or changing the waveform type in Preferences ‣ Waveforms.

Povzetek valovne oblike

Veliki prikaza povzetka podobe valovne oblike prikazuje obliko skladbe blizu trenutne pozicije predvajanja in se osvežuje v realnem času. Na prikazu valovne oblike lahko s pomočjo miške zaustavimo predvajanje, praskamo in drgnemo, zavrtimo zvok nazaj ali vrzemo skladbe. Desni klik na prikaz valovne oblike omogoča vlecenje z miško, da bi ustvarili trenutne spremembe višine in hitrosti.


You can select from different types of displays for the waveform, which differ primarily in the level of detail shown in the waveform, in Preferences ‣ Waveforms ‣ Waveform type.

Pregled valovne oblike

The smaller, zoomed-out version of the waveform shows the various markers within the track as well as the waveform envelope of the entire track. This is useful because they allow DJs to see breakdowns far in advance. As visual aid, the part of the track that has already been played is darkened.

Clicking somewhere on the waveform allows you to jump to an arbitrary position in the track. Like with the Waveform summary, you can select from different types of displays for the overview in Preferences ‣ Waveforms ‣ Overview type.

Virtualni gramofon

Črta virtualnega gramofona se vrti, ko se skladba premika, podobno kot oznaka pozicije na ploščah za drgnjenje. Na virtualnem gramofonu lahko z miško zaustavite, drgnete, zavrtite nazaj ali vržete skladbo - tako kot na pravih ploščah. Če izvajate kotaleče se zanke ali desno kliknete na ploščo med predvajanjem, se bo pojavila “duh” oznaka, ki označuje mesto, kjer se bo predvajanje nadaljevalo. Virtualni gramofon je v osnovi skrit in ga je potrebno vključiti v Mreža gumbov z opcijami predvajalnika.

If vinyl control is enabled, it can optionally display the time-coded vinyl signal quality. Activate the option in Preferences ‣ Vinyl Control ‣ Show Signal Quality in Skin.

Povečava prikaza valovne oblike

Using the mouse-wheel everywhere in the waveform summary will zoom the waveform in or out. You can choose whether to synchronize the zoom level between the decks in Preferences ‣ Waveforms.

Oznake na prikazu valovne oblike

Med miskanjem se lahko na prikazu valovne oblike pojavijo dodatne oznake:

  • Position marker: The static vertical line in the center of the waveform summary indicates the playback point of the deck. The waveform overview includes a vertical line to show the current position within the track.

  • Ritmična oznaka: Bele črte na prikazu valovne oblike prikazujejo lokacije dob v zvoku, ki jih imenujemo tudi ritmična mreža.

  • Oznaka cue iztočnice: Prikazuje pozicijo cue iztočnice.

  • Oznaka hotcue iztočnice: Prikazuje pozicijo in številko hotcue iztočnice, če je ta določena.

  • Oznaki za vhod in izhod iz zanke: Prikazuje začetek in konec zanke.

  • Prekrivalo zanke: Je grafični prikaz med začetkom in koncem zanke in spremeni barvo glede na to ali je zanka aktivna ali ne.

  • Obvestilo o koncu skladbe: Če prikaz valovne oblike utripa rdeče, je ostalo le še 30 sekund do konca skladbe.

3.2.3. Mreža gumbov z opcijami predvajalnika

Mreža gumbov z opcijami predvajalnika

Mreža gumbov z opcijami predvajalnika

Šest gumbov, ki se nahaje spodaj desno pod prikazom valovne oblike, omogoča konfiguriranj predvajalnika. Od zgoraj levo si v smeru urinega kazlca sledijo takole:

Slip Mode Toggle

When active, the playback continues muted in the background during a loop, reverse, scratch, etc. Once disabled, the audible playback will resume where the track would have been.

Preklopi ponavljanje

Ko je ponavljanje vključeno, se bo po koncu skladbe predvajanje začelo ponovno od začetka.

Gumb za prilagajanje ritmične mreže

Clicking this button adjusts the track beat-grid so that the current position is marked as a beat. This is useful if Mixxx was able to accurately detect the track’s BPM but failed to align the beat markers on the beats. For more information, go to the chapter Prepoznavanje beata.

Izvrzi skladbo

Klik na ta gumb bo izvrgel skladbo iz predvajalnika. Namesto tega je mogoče uporabiti bližnjico na tipkovnici. Pojdtie na poglavje Uporaba tipkovnice za več informacij.

Vklop/izklop kvantizacije

Če je kvantizacija vklopljena, bodo vse cue in hotcue iztočnice, zanke in ritmične zanke samodejno kvantizirane, tako da se bodo začele na dobi.

Zakleni/odkleni tonaliteto

Key lock locks the track’s pitch so that adjustments to its tempo via the rate slider do not affect its pitch. This is useful if you would like to speed up or slow down a track and avoid the “chipmunk” effect that speeding up vocals has.

3.2.4. Playback/Cue Controls

The playback and cueing controls of the deck

The playback and cueing controls of the deck

Play/Pause Button

Clicking the Play/Pause button starts and pauses the playback.

Poglej Tudi

The actual behavior of the Play/Pause button depends on the selected Cue mode.

Cue Button

If the button is pressed while the track is playing, the play position jumps to the Cue point on the track and the track is paused. Once the track is paused at the Cue point, you can preview it by holding the Cue Button. If you have not moved the Cue point yet, the default point is at the track’s beginning.

Poglej Tudi

The actual behavior of the Cue button depends on the selected Cue mode. Setting Cue points

Every track has a Cue point, by default on its beginning. Unlike with Hotcues, you can’t delete, but only move Cue points.

The Cue point is moved according to the selected Cue mode, as explained below. Auto Cue

Mixxx automatically seeks to the saved Cue point on track load. If none exists, seeks to the beginning of the track.

Uncheck Preferences ‣ Interface ‣ Auto Cue ‣ Jump to main cue point on track load to always seek to the beginning of the track. Using Cue Modes

Mixxx supports various Cue modes that adapt to fit other devices in your setup or your personal preferences. The actual behavior of the Play, Pause, and Cue buttons depends on the selected Cue mode. To change the Cue mode, go to Preferences ‣ Decks ‣ Cue mode.

Mixxx mode (default)

  • While paused at Cue point (Cue button lit):

    • Hold down the Cue button to play the track from the Cue point, as long as the button is pressed. After releasing the Cue button, the track jumps back to the Cue point and pauses again.

    • Press Play/Pause before releasing the Cue button to continue playback normally.

  • While paused not at Cue point (Cue button flashing):

    • Tap the Cue button to store the current position as new Cue point.

  • While playing:

    • Tap the Cue button to jump to the Cue point and pause playback.

Mixxx mode (no blinking)

  • Same as the default Mixxx mode, but without blinking indicators.

Pioneer mode

  • Same as Mixxx mode, but the buttons are more flashy matching a Pioneer CDJ player.

    • The Play/Pause button flashes once per second when a track is paused.

    • The Cue button flashes twice a second when the next push will move the Cue point.

Denon mode

  • While paused at Cue point (Cue button lit) - same as Mixxx mode:

    • Hold down the Cue button to play the track from the Cue point, as long as the button is pressed. After releasing the Cue button, the track jumps back to the Cue point and pauses again.

    • Press Play/Pause before releasing the Cue button to continue playback normally.

  • While paused not at Cue point (Play button flashing):

    • Tap the Cue button to move the track back to Cue point.

    • Tap the Play/Pause button to move the Cue point to the current position and start playback.

  • While playing - same as Mixxx mode:

    • Tap the Cue button to jump to the Cue point and pause playback.

Numark mode

  • Same as Denon mode, but without a flashing Play/Pause button.

  • This mode is useful if you want to implement a custom skin with 3-button decks, featuring a Cue button, a dedicated Pause button, and a Play/Stutter button.

CUP (Cue + Play) mode

  • Press the Cue button to jump to the Cue point and pause, continuing playback only when either the Cue button is released or Play/Pause is pressed.

  • If the Cue button is pressed while paused, the Cue point is first moved to the current position.


Use the Hotcue Controls to place more reference points on a track.

Poglej Tudi

You can also use keyboard shortcuts for Cueing. Go to Uporaba tipkovnice for more information.

3.2.5. Kontrole predvajanja

Transportne kontrole predvajalnika

Transportne kontrole predvajalnika

Beatjump/ Loop Move Size

You can type, use the arrow keys or scroll vertically in the input box to select the number of beats to jump or move, with the Beatjump Forward/ Backward buttons.

Beatjump Backward button

Clicking this while the loop is inactive will make the track jump backward by the set number of beats (left click) or by one beat (right click). Clicking this while the loop is active will move the loop backward by the set number of beats (left click) or by one beat (right click).

Beatjump Forward button

Clicking this while the loop is inactive will make the track jump forward by the set number of beats (left click) or by one beat (right click). Clicking this while the loop is active will move the loop forward by the set number of beats (left click) or by one beat (right click).

3.2.6. Gramofonsko upravljanje in kontrola cue iztočnic

Način upravljanja z gramofonom in kontrola izotčnic v predvajalniku

Način upravljanja z gramofonom in kontrola izotčnic v predvajalniku

The control above the waveforms relate to the vinyl control feature in Mixxx and is hidden in the default Mixxx user interface. Click the gear icon in the upper right corner, then toggle Skin Settings ‣ Vinyl Control Options, or use the specific Bližnjice za aplikacije to show or hide the section.

Poglej Tudi

Za več informaciji o rabi gramofonskega upravljanja, glej Vinyl Control.

Vinyl button

This button enables vinyl control. When enabled in Mixxx, the track on the Mixxx deck is controlled by the external vinyl control.

Pass button

This button enables passthrough. When enabled, audio from an external vinyl can be played on the Mixxx deck.

Gumbi Abs/Rel/Const

  • Absolutni način: Pozicija sladbe sovpada s pozicijo igle in hitrostjo.

  • Relativni način:- hitrost skladbe je enaka hitrosti igle, ne glede na pozicijo igle.

  • Konstantni način: hitrost skladbe je enaka zadnji poznani enakomerni hitrosti, ne glede na stanje igle.

Cue/Hot button

Ta gumb določa, kako bodo obravnavane cue iztočnice v relativnem načinu delovanja gramofonskega upravljanja:

  • Off: Cue iztočnice se ignorirajo.

  • Cue: If the needle is dropped after the cue point, the track will seek to that cue point.

  • Hot: The track will seek to the nearest previous hotcue point.

3.2.7. Kontrole za sinhronizacijo in določanje hitrosti

The rate control section of the deck

Nadzor hitrosti

Kontrole za določanje hitrosti omogočajo spreminjanje stopnje hitrosti predvajanja skladb. To je zelo uporabno za usklajevanje ritma dveh skladb v misku. To stopnjo lahko nadzorujete tudi s pomočjo tipkovnice. Za več informaciji glej Uporaba tipkovnice.

SYNC gumb
  • Levi klik: Spremeni hitrost skladbe, tako da se BPM in faza skladbe ujemata s tistima iz drugega predvajalnika.

  • Desni klik: Spremeni zgolj hitrost sladbe, da ta ustreza stopnji skladbi v drugem predvajalniku, ob čemer ne popravlja faze.

Predvajalniki in vzorčevalniki sedaj kar med delovanjem izbirajo na katero enoto naj se sinhronizirajo. Predvajalniki se ne morejo sinhronizirati na vzorčevalnike in vzorčevalniki se lahko sinhronizirajo le na predvajalnike. Za vzorčevalnike je enota za sinhronizacijo:

  • Prvi predvajalnik (po številčnem vrstnem redu), ki predvaja skladbo z ugotovljeno mrežo beata in ki ima hitrost, ki ni enaka nič.

  • Previ predvajalnik (po številčnem vrstnem redu), ki ima naloženo skladbo z ugotovljeno mrežo beata, ne glede na to ali predvaja ali je zaustavljen.

Če denimo sinhronizirate vzorčevalnik in tako predvajalnik 1, kot tudi 2 predvajata skladbi, ki imata ritmični mreži, bo izbran predvajalnik 1, ker je prvi po vrsti. Ciljne enote za sinhronizacijo predvajalnikov se določi z novo funkcijo master sinhronizacije. Za več informaciji glej Master sinhronizacije

Višina/hitrost drsnik

Drsnik omogoča spreminjanje hitrosti skladbe. Privzeti so koraki po 10% glede na originalno hitrost skladbe. Hitrost se povečuje s premikanjem drsnika navzgor, kar je nasprotno od tega, kar najdemo pri DJ gramofonih in CDJ enotah. Desni klik bo povrnil tempo na orignialno vrednost.

Prikaz višine in hitrosti

Tu se prikazuje stopnja pohitritve ali upočasnitve skladbe. Če je drsnik Višina/hitrost na sredini, prikazuje +0.0%, kar pomeni, da ni sprememb v hitrosti.

Začasna spremeba višine/hitrosti (sunek)

Pushing the minus and plus buttons is like nudging the metal edge of a turntable, or the outer edge of a CD player. It will give the track a push or pull forwards or backwards. If the buttons are released the previous tempo is restored. The buttons can act as either a fixed pitch bend or a ramping pitch bend.

Poglej Tudi

To customize the amount by which the buttons alter the pitch of the track, the slider range as well as the direction, go to Preferences ‣ Interface ‣ Adjustment buttons ‣ Permanent / Temporary.


Če se tempo skladbe spremeni, boste opazili, da se ton spremeni glede na uporabljeno hitrost (hitrejše predvajanje daje opičij zvok). Lahko vklopite Keylock, da obdržite konstanten ton.

3.2.8. Kontrola zank

Kontrole predvajalnika za ritmične zanke in zanke

Kontrole predvajalnika za ritmične zanke in zanke

In this section of the Mixxx interface you can control (beat-)loops and set the loop points of a track. You can also shift loops using the beatjump / loop move controls shown at the right side of the looping controls.

Beatloop size

The input box allows you to set the size of the loop in beats to set with the Beatloop button. Changing this resizes the loop if the loop already matches the size. If a loop is set, a loop overlay will be drawn on the waveforms.


Left-clicking the Beatloop button starts a loop over the set number of beats. If quantize is enabled, it snaps to the nearest beat. This works for manually placed loops as well as automatic loops set by the beatlooping buttons. Depending on the current status of the loop, the loop overlay on the waveforms changes color. Right-clicking the Beatloop button temporarily enables a rolling loop over the set number of beats. Playback will resume where the track would have been if it had not entered the loop.

Double loop

Clicking on the arrow pointing up will double the current loop’s length up to 64 bars. The length of the loop overlay in the waveform will increase accordingly.

Halve loop

Clicking on the arrow pointing down will halve the current loop’s length down to 1/32 bars. The length of the loop overlay in the waveform will decrease accordingly.


This button allows you to manually set the start point of a loop. A loop-in marker is placed on the waveform indicating the position. If clicked when a loop was already set, it moves the start point of a loop to a new position.


This button allows you to manually set the end point of a loop. A loop-out marker is placed on the waveform indicating the position. If clicked when a loop was already set, it moves the end point of a loop to a new position.


Left-clicking this button toggles the current loop on or off. If the loop is ahead of the current position, looping will start when the loop is reached. This works only if the Loop-in and Loop-Out marker are set. Right-clicking this button enables the loop, jumps to Loop-in marker and stops playback.


If you are playing inside a loop and want to move the end point beyond its current position in the track, click on the Beatloop button first and when the play position reaches the desired position, click on the Loop-Out button.

Poglej Tudi

Če je vključen način Kvantizacija, bodo zanke samodejno skakale na najbližjo dobo. Ta način v izhodišču ni vključenn in se vključi s klikom na Vklop/izklop kvantizacije.

3.2.9. Hotcue Controls

The hotcue controls of the deck

The hotcue controls of the deck

To jump in between different parts of a track, you can use these numbered buttons. You can also use keyboard shortcuts, go to Uporaba tipkovnice for more information. Setting Hotcues

Clicking on a numbered button will set a hotcue at the current play position on the track. A marker with the corresponding number will appear in the waveform and the button will light up to indicate that the hotcue is set. Playing Hotcues

  • Med predvajanjem: Tapnite gumb hotcue, da predvajanje nemudoma skoči na hotcue iztočnico in se od tam predvaja naprej. Če igrate znotraj zanke in tapnete na hotcue iztočnico, katere pozicija je izven zanke, bo skladba kljub temu takoj skočila na to mesto in zanka bo deaktivirana.

  • While stopped: Tap a hotcue button to cause the track to instantly jump to the location of the hotcue and start playing as long as the button is pressed. Press the Play keyboard shortcut while the hotcue button is pressed to continue playback, then release the hotcue button. Hotcue labels

You can add custom names to hotcues. Right-clicking on a selected track in the track list reveals the context menu. Choose Properties ‣ Cuepoints ‣ Label and add a label for the hotcue. Press Enter , then click OK to save.

The hotcue indicator on the waveform changes to the format #:label. Deleting Hotcues

To delete a hotcue, right-click on the numbered button. The marker in the waveform will be deleted as well.


Mixxx supports up to 36 hotcues per deck. By default, only some of them are visible in the user interface. You can customize your keyboard or controller mappings to use all of them.

Poglej Tudi

Tako kot z zankami (glej zgoraj), bodo tudi hotcue iztočnice samodejno skočile na najbljižjo dobo, če je vklopljen način knvantizacija Ta način v izhodišču ni vključenn in se vključi s klikom na Vklop/izklop kvantizacije.

3.3. The Mixer Section

The mixer section

The mixer section

The mixer section of the Mixxx user interface allows you to control how the different decks and samplers are mixed together.

3.3.1. Channel Faders and Level Meters

Level meters

In the center of the mixer section are 6 level meters grouped in three pairs. The two outer-most level meters on each side are for each deck, while the 2 inner-most level meters are the left and right level meters for the master output. In each pairing, the left meter shows the volume level for the left channel, while the right meter shows the volume level for the right channel. These should stay at the top of the green region, with the loudest parts of the music (transients) briefly going into the yellow region. They should never be in the red region. Refer to Setting your levels properly (gain staging) for more details.

Line faders

The two large faders on either side of the level meters are the deck volume faders, also known as Channel- or Line-faders. Adjusting these controls the volume of each deck.


Some DJ’s prefer to use the line faders over the crossfader for fading between tracks. Try it, you may like it.

3.3.2. Equalizers and Gain Knobs

The EQ Controls of a deck in the mixer

EQ Controls

Gain Knob

The gain knob (green ring) above the volume fader allows you to adjust the gain applied to the deck. Use this to compensate for the differences in recording levels between tracks. In general, you should adjust this knob so that the track’s level meter stays around the top of the green region with the loudest parts of the track (the transients) briefly going into the yellow region. Do NOT turn the Gain Knob up so much that the level meter is in the red region. At this point the track is clipping, which sounds bad and could damage equipment.


By default, Mixxx automatically applies an additional ReplayGain so tracks have approximately equal loudness at unity gain. Your tracks must be analyzed to take advantage of this feature. When an unanalyzed track is loaded, Mixxx calculates its ReplayGain value, but will not apply a newly calculated ReplayGain value to a track after it has already started playing (to avoid a sudden change in the gain of a playing track).

Poglej Tudi

For an explanation of why you should set your gains this way, see Setting your levels properly (gain staging).

EQ Knobs

The low, mid, and high EQ knobs (purple ring) allow you to change the filters of the audio. This allows you to selectively reduce or boost certain frequency ranges of the audio.


Be careful not to raise the EQs so much that the signal clips, indicated by a level meter being in the red region. See Setting your levels properly (gain staging) for a more detailed explanation.

Kill Switches

The small boxes next to each EQ knob are called kills. Hold these buttons to fully remove that frequency range. Short click on the buttons for latching. When in Latch mode, click again to restore the frequency range. If the Kill switches do not work as expected, check the high/low shelf EQ settings in the preferences.

Quick Effect knob This knob (blue ring) lets you control the Meta knob of the deck’s Quick Effect. ‚Filter‘ is the default. Right-click this knob to center it. This is equivalent to ‚no audible effect‘ for the built-in filter effects only (Filter, Moog Ladder 4 Filter). The button next to the knob toggles the effect. It provides the same latching capabilities like the EQ Kill switches.

Poglej Tudi

You can customize the EQ settings in Preferences ‣ Equalizer.

3.3.3. PFL/Headphone Button

The headphone buttons of both decks in the mixer

The headphone buttons of both decks in the mixer

The headphone button is also known as the pre-fader listen or PFL button and allows you to use headphone cueing. That is, it allows you to hear the track you will play next in your headphones before your audience hears it. This helps you plan when to start the next track and manipulate it to make it blend better with the currently playing track (for example, by synchronizing the beats, setting a loop, or using EQs). Pressing the PFL button plays the track on the headphone output at full volume regardless of the position of the crossfader or the deck’s line fader. To play a track in your headphones but not have the audience hear it, press the PFL button and move the crossfader all the way to the opposite side of the deck or turn the deck’s volume fader all the way down.


Headphone cueing is only available if you have configured a Headphone Output in Preferences ‣ Sound Hardware.


If you use an external hardware mixer, plug your headphones into that rather than your sound card. Use the headphone buttons on the mixer rather than the buttons in Mixxx.

3.3.4. Crossfader

The crossfader section of the mixer

The crossfader section of the mixer

The crossfader determines the actual volume of each deck when moving the slider from left to right. If both decks are playing and the crossfader is in its default center position, then you will hear both decks. Right-clicking on the crossfader will reset the slider to its default position.

To move the crossfader left or right, you can use the keyboard shortcut G and H. To apply small crossfade left and small crossfade right, the shortcuts are Shift + G and Shift + H respectively.

You can reverse the configuration of the crossfader, so that the right deck is on the left end of the crossfader and vice versa. This is also known as Hamster Style. To adjust the crossfader to your style of mixing, go to Preferences ‣ Crossfader.


Using the AutoDJ feature in Mixxx, you can automate the crossfade between the decks.

3.3.5. Headphone and Master Mix Controls

The headphone and master mix knobs

The headphone and master mix knobs

Head Mix knob

Allows you to control how much of the master output you hear in the Headphones output. It works like a crossfader between the stereo Master and stereo PFL signal. If the knob is set to the left, you only hear the PFL signal, which is the usual position for prelistening tracks.

This can be used to practice DJing with only one stereo output and a set of either speakers or headphones.

Additionally, this can be used to mix in headphones when you cannot hear the speakers connected to the Master output and there are no booth monitor speakers. Some DJs prefer to use this knob to mix in headphones all the time, but many find it to be a difficult way to play. If there is only one set of speakers and no booth monitors, you can avoid the need to mix in headphones by setting up the speakers behind you so both you and your audience can hear them.


Don’t forget to activate the PFL button on the deck you want to listen to in your headphones.

Head knob

This knob controls the gain applied to the headphone output signal that Mixxx sends to your sound card. Generally, this knob should not be adjusted. To adjust the volume in your headphones, adjust your sound card’s gain on the headphone output. Most external sound cards have a gain knob specifically for the headphone jack. If you use an onboard sound card for your headphones, adjust the gain control in your OS mixer program. If your sound card only has one gain knob that controls both the main output and the headphone output, then adjust the Head knob in Mixxx to control the volume of your headphones without affecting your main output.


Not all controls may be present in all skins anymore. However, these controls can be mapped to keyboards and MIDI controllers. See this guide.

Split Cue button

If activated, two mono signals are sent to the headphone output instead of one stereo signal. The master signal plays in the right channel, while the cueing signal plays in the left channel. You can still adjust the Head Mix knob to control the mix of the master and cue signals in the left channel.

Balance Knob

This knob allows you to adjust the balance (left/right orientation) of the master output.

Master Knob

The Master Gain Knob controls the gain applied to the Master output signal that Mixxx sends to your sound card, Internet broadcasting servers, and recorded mixes. Generally, this knob should not be adjusted. To change the output volume, a gain control should be adjusted as close to the speakers as possible for the best signal-to-noise ratio throughout your signal chain. Ideally, the volume would only be adjusted by adjusting the gain on the power amplifier. On active speakers, including computer speakers, studio monitors, and PA systems that do not require a separate amplifier, this means adjusting the gain on the speakers (which may be labeled „Volume“).

As a DJ, you may not have access to the power amplifier. In that case, adjust the volume by adjusting the gain on the equipment closest to the power amplifier that you have access to. Typically, this is a DJ mixer. If you are not going through a mixer, adjust the gain of your sound card. If your sound card does not have any controls on it (for example, for sound cards built into computers), adjust the sound card settings with your OS mixer program. The Master Gain Knob in Mixxx should be a last resort for adjusting volume.


In no case should any part of the signal chain be clipping, indicated by a level meter going into its red region or an LED labeled „clipping“ turning on.

Poglej Tudi

For an explanation of why you should set your gains this way, see Setting your levels properly (gain staging).

3.4. The Sampler Section

A sample deck

A sample deck

Samplers are miniature decks. They allow you to play short samples and jingles but also additional tracks in your mix. They come with a small overview waveform and a limited number of controls. All controls work just like on the regular decks, see Razdelki s predvajalnikom.

The Sampler section can be hidden in the Mixxx user interface. Click the SAMPLERS button at the top of the user interface, or use the specific Bližnjice za aplikacije to show or hide the section.

3.4.1. Prikaz valovne oblike

Pregled valovne oblike

The waveform shows the various markers within the track as well as the waveform envelope of the entire track. Clicking somewhere on the waveform allows you to jump to an arbitrary position in the track.

Oznake na prikazu valovne oblike

While mixing, some additional markers can appear on the waveforms:

  • Position marker: A vertical line indicates the playback point of the sample deck.

  • Oznaka hotcue iztočnice: Prikazuje pozicijo in številko hotcue iztočnice, če je ta določena.

3.4.2. Prikaz informaciji o skladbi

Track Artist/Title

The artist and title of the track that was loaded into a sampler deck is displayed here.

BPM (Tempo)

Številka zgoraj desno je efektivni BPM skladbe. Tapnite BPM, da določite BPM na hitrost s katero tapkate.

3.4.3. Mreža gumbov z opcijami predvajalnika

The buttons grid next to the waveform overview allow you to configure the sampler deck. Starting from the top-left and moving counterclockwise the buttons are as follows:

Preklopi ponavljanje

Ko je ponavljanje vključeno, se bo po koncu skladbe predvajanje začelo ponovno od začetka.

Keylock Toggle Keylock locks the track’s pitch so that adjustments to its tempo via the rate slider do not affect its pitch.

Mix Orientation Toggle

This control determines the sampler input’s mix orientation.

Izvrzi skladbo

Clicking this button ejects the track from the deck.

3.4.4. Sample Deck Controls

Play/Pause button

Clicking the button always starts playback from the cue point. If playback is already enabled the play position will jump back to the cue point. Right-clicking on the button will stop playback and seek the play position to the beginning of the sample.

Sync Button

Syncs the Sampler deck to a regular deck, as described in Kontrole za sinhronizacijo in določanje hitrosti.

  • Left-Click: Changes the rate of the track so that the BPM and phase of the track matches the sync target.

  • Right-Click: Only changes the rate of the track to match the sync target but does not adjust the phase.

Hotcue Controls

To jump in between different parts of a sample, you can use these numbered hotcue buttons.

PFL/Headphone Button

If active, the pre-fader listen or PFL button allows you to listen to the track in your headphones.

Gain Knob

Allows you to adjust the gain applied to the track.

Level Meter

Shows the level of the signal and can be adjusted with the Gain knob.

Višina/hitrost drsnik

The slider allows you to change the speed of the sample. Right-clicking on the slider will reset the tempo to its original value.

3.5. Razdelek Efekti

An effect unit

An effect unit

Mixxx comes with some built in sound effects that can be chained together in effect units. Effect units can be freely assigned to different decks as well as other inputs. The buttons for routing decks to effect units are in the Razdelki s predvajalnikom.

Poglej Tudi

The Učinki chapter has a more detailed explanation of the effects system.

3.6. The Microphone Section

The Microphone section

The Microphone section

The microphone section is hidden in the default Mixxx user interface. Click the MICS & AUX button at the top of your user interface, or use the specific Bližnjice za aplikacije to show or hide the section.

Poglej Tudi

The Raba mikrofonov chapter has detailed instructions for setting up microphones with various hardware.

3.6.1. Microphone Controls

Talk Button

Hold this button and talk to mix the microphone input into the Mixxx master output. Short click on the button for latching. This is handy for talking for an extended period, for example when streaming a radio show. When in Latch mode, click again to mute the microphone input.

Mix Orientation Toggle

This control determines the microphone input’s mix orientation. Either to the left side of crossfader, to the right side or to the center (default). Clicking cycles through all the options.

Microphone Volume Meter

This displays the microphone volume input signal strength.

Microphone Gain Knob

Use this knob to adjust the gain of the microphone output. Try to keep the volume at a reasonable level to avoid signal clipping.

3.7. Preview Deck Section

The Preview Deck with a track loaded

The Preview Deck with a track loaded

The Preview Deck is a special deck that allows you to pre-listen to tracks in the headphones before using them in your mix. Pre-listening to a track does not change its Played state as well as the play counter and is not logged in the History. Press CTRL + 4 (Windows/Linux) or CMD + 4 (Mac) to display the Preview Deck.

The features in detail:

  • Track Artist/Title: The artist and title of the track is displayed here. This is the same as that listed under the Track and Title column heading in the Mixxx library. This information is initially loaded from the track’s metadata.

  • Eject Track button: Clicking this button ejects the track from the deck.

  • Play/Pause button: Clicking the button starts and pauses the playback. Right-clicking on the button will stop playback and seek the play position to the beginning of the tracks.

  • Waveform overview: Shows the various markers (Cues, Hotcues) within the track as well as the waveform envelope of the entire track. Clicking somewhere on the waveform allows you to jump to an arbitrary position in the track.

  • Gain slider: Move the slider to adjust the gain of the track.

  • Volume Meter: Shows the current volume of the track. If it’s too loud and distorted, a peak indicator flashes red.

Poglej Tudi

For more information, go to the chapter Previewing Tracks.