1. Introducere la Mixxx
Mixxx allows you to perform live DJ mixes with your digital music collection. It helps you rock the party with DJ controllers, vinyl turntables, or even just your keyboard.
Mixxx is used by professional DJs and bedroom DJs alike. It is designed by an international team of volunteer DJs who want to bring the joy of DJing to everyone. The project is non-profit, open-source and community driven. Together and with your help we aim to build the best DJ software ever created.
1.1. Funcții Mixxx
4 Decks: Each deck features a scratchable, scrolling waveform that marks beats and cue points, along with a whole-song waveform overview for quick seeking.
Advanced Controls: Change playback with time stretching, and loop beat segments.
Sampler Decks: Perfect for dropping that vocal sample or airhorn.
External Library Integration: Use your playlists and songs from iTunes, Traktor, Rhythmbox, and Banshee.
BPM Detection and Sync: Instantly detect and sync the tempo of your songs.
DJ Controller Support: Control your DJ mixes with MIDI/HID controllers.
Timecode Support: Use a real turntable or DJ-CD player as a controller.
Live Broadcasting: Start a radio station and stream your mixes live over the Internet.
Powerful Mixing Engine: Supports various file formats, custom EQ shelves, recording, etc.
Automatic Mixing: Create a quick playlist and let Auto DJ take over.
Microphone Input: Drop vocals or give shoutouts on the air.
1.2. Nou în Mixxx 2.0
4 dekuri
Sincronizare Master
Color-coded waveforms showing the frequencies in tracks
Key detection and pitch shifting (independent of tempo) for harmonic mixing
Choice of traditional, OpenKey, Lancelot, and custom key notations
4 unități de efecte cu efecte incluse
Controller mapping GUI
Resizable skins
Beat jumping and loop move
Multiple dosare bibliotecă
Hierarchical library sorting
Cover/album art support
Vinyl passthrough mode to switch between control vinyl and music vinyl
Auxiliary inputs that pass through to the master mix
Ieșirea mono și suport intrare
Suport îmbunătățit pentru utilizarea a mai multe plăci de sunet
MusicBrainz tagging support
Peste 100 de îmbunătățiri ale performanței, calității și utilizării
For a full list of features go to: http://mixxx.org/features/
For an overview of the new features, go to: http://mixxx.org/whats-new-in-mixxx-2-0
For a full list of new features and bugfixes, go to: https://launchpad.net/mixxx/2.0.0
Vezi și
For an overview of previous changes, go to Version History.
1.3. Cerințe de sistem
Mixxx este disponibil pentru Windows, Mac OS X și GNU/Linux. Mixxx este conceput pentru a utiliza foarte puține resurse de sistem, dar echipa de dezvoltare Mixxx sugerează aceste minime cerințe de sistem pentru a avea o experiență bogată cu Mixxx.
Un CPU de 2GHz sau mai rapid
Cel puțin 1GB de RAM
A soundcard with 2 stereo audio outputs (4 mono output channels)
The EQs can be disabled to save CPU usage. Using this feature, Mixxx can be used with an external mixer and a less powerful computer such as a netbook.
1.4. Despre proiectul Mixxx
Mixxx is designed by an international team of volunteer DJs who want to bring the joy of DJing to everyone. The project is non-profit, open-source and community driven. Together and with your help we aim to build the best DJ software ever created.
Mixxx started as an open-source project because of demand for DJing software on Linux, and discontent with proprietary DJ software on Windows and Mac OS X. Today, Mixxx development is driven by the simple idea that together we can create a better way to DJ, and that has brought Mixxx to the cutting edge.
Mixxx is the only free cross-platform vinyl control software and has the most advanced MIDI/HID controller support via our innovative JavaScript-based scripting engine. We are continuing to pursue new and exciting features that give DJs more tools to create better live mixes.
1.4.1. Istoric proiect
Mixxx was originally created in 2002 as part of a PhD thesis on new interfaces for DJing by Tue Haste Andersen. After releasing the project as open source, dozens of contributors began modifying and improving Mixxx.
In 2006, a new development team lead by Adam Davison and Albert Santoni began reorganizing the project to ensure smooth growth of both the code-base and the number of contributors. A renewed focus on usability and stability has helped Mixxx grow to become the most popular free DJ software in the world, receiving over 1,000,000 downloads annually. Our committed team has worked hard to create great DJ software, and this growth is a sign of our success.
In 2011, RJ Ryan took over as Lead Developer to successfully continue the team’s endeavor to make Mixxx a world-class DJ software.
As our user community grows, so does our development team - Over 150 developers, artists, and translators have helped create Mixxx!
1.5. Despre manualul Mixxx
Some effort has been made to present the material in a way that is neither too technical nor too dumbed-down. Take some time to look through it and you’ll find lots of hints that will enhance both your enjoyment and your productivity.
Through the manual you’ll find text formatted like this:
This is to simplify the business of choosing commands in menus. In this example, the instruction means “Open the Library menu at the top of the application window and then choose the Add new Playlist command”.
This is used to indicate a certain area of the GUI, including button labels, tabs, checkboxes, field names, values in selection lists etc. .
This is used to mark a keystroke, or a sequence of keystrokes. In this example, you would have to hold down the STRG key, then to press G.
Legăturile către site-uri externe sunt marcate precum acesta.
Informația importantă în acest manual este evidențiată astfel:
Pentru altceva care ar trebui să primească mai multă atenție.
For supplementary information that lightens the work load.
Vezi și
For references to other documents or websites if they need special attention.
Pentru orice trebuie să fie făcut cu atenție.
1.5.1. Îmbunătățind manualul
Send Feedback: If you have comments, corrections or suggestions regarding the manual, write us an email.
Get the Source Code: To download the source code for the Mixxx manual, go to: https://github.com/mixxxdj/manual
1.6. Resurse suplimentare
Got questions? Need more information? Want to contribute ? There are a variety of other resources you can use to find out more.
Mixxx Website: For general information and updates, as well as the latest news on Mixxx, go to: http://mixxx.org
Mixxx Support Websites: To get support from the Mixxx wiki, IRC channel or Developer mailing list, go to: http://mixxx.org/support
Mixxx Community Forums: To search for answers, post your question or answer other DJ’s questions, go to: http://mixxx.org/forums
Mixxx Source Code: To download the source code for Mixxx, go to: https://github.com/mixxxdj/mixxx
Mixxx Bug Tracker: To report a bug or request a feature, go to: https://bugs.launchpad.net/mixxx
Mixxx Translations: To translate Mixxx and promote your mother tongue, go to: https://www.transifex.com/mixxx-dj-software/public/ . Please read the Translation FAQ first.
Social Media: Follow us on Twitter , Facebook , and Google+ .